op - significado y definición. Qué es op
Diccionario en línea

Qué (quién) es op - definición

O.P.; Op; Op.; OP (disambiguation); O.p.; O P

In music, op. is a written abbreviation for opus
...Beethoven's Op. 101 and 111 sonatas.
¦ abbreviation
1. observation post.
2. (in the theatre) opposite prompt, the offstage area to the right of an actor.
3. organophosphate(s).
4. (in the Roman Catholic Church) Order of Preachers (Dominican). [L. Ordo Praedicatorum.]
An op is a medical operation. (mainly BRIT INFORMAL)
...breast cancer ops.
Ops are military operations.
Flt Lt Beamont had completed a 200 hour tour of ops in December 1941...
N-COUNT: usu pl



OP or Op may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para op
1. Op!
Unleash Your Superpowers _ Florence Servan-Schreiber _ Talks at Google
2. but grow op-- "marijuana grow op" is.
The Scott Brothers Dream Home _ Talks at Google
3. Op completed.
The Recruit (2003)
4. It's called OP.
Radical Ideas From The World's Smartest Minds _ David Rowan _ Talks at Google
5. The Op-Ed?
Musings & Writings - Asian-American Voices _ Min Jin Lee _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de op
1. Op–ed by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad (This op–ed by Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S.
2. Op–Ed Contributor÷ The Heterosexual Revolution Go to Complete List Op–Ed Contributor÷ War of Words Straight, Gay or Lying?
3. This year more than 650 modern rural dwelling houses have been built in the Haksan Co–op Farm in Hyongjesan District, the Thaekam Co–op Farm in Sunan District and other co–op farms in different districts of the city.
4. A lot of co–op farms including the Ripsok Co–op Farm in Mundok County, South Phyongan Province are taking the lead in this undertaking.
5. Q:В But it sounds like a bit of a photo op, one that hed prefer over playing the guitar at the airport photo op before Katrina.